Giving Opportunities
The East Lake Community Library director and board actively encourage gifts and contributions which will help the library better serve the needs of the community. All donations and gifts to the library are subject to the library’s existing policies and guidelines, including those relating to the selection of and provision of access to books and other resources. The library director makes the final decision on the acceptance, use or other disposition of gifts, and also reserves the right to decide any conditions of display, housing or access. The library is granted unconditional ownership of each gift.
Memorial Gifts
Celebrate a special person or occasion by dedicating an item (a book, a collection, a CD, an audiobook, etc.) as a memorial tribute.
(Final selection of item will be at the discretion of the Adult Services or Children Services Librarian.)
Monetary gifts given for the purchase of library materials as an honorarium or memorial may be accepted by the library director. The director or a designated staff member will work with donors in selection and processing of such purchases.
Name My Day!
To celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or special event, the East Lake Community Library offers “Name My Day!” to library patrons. For a $100 donation, the individual’s (or couple’s) name will be highlighted on the digitized program board at the front desk, the recipient will receive a framed certificate acknowledging their special day, and a set of two bookplates will be placed in library books of their choosing to commemorate the occasion. The names will also be highlighted on the outdoor digital sign/display on East Lake Road. Applications are available at the front desk for this program.
Naming Rights Policy
The East Lake Community Library offers naming rights for new and existing physical assets, including rooms, spaces, equipment, furniture, and landscaping features. A plaque will be installed at or near the named area with the size, location and style at the discretion of the library director.
Monetary gifts given in exchange for naming rights may be accepted by the library director according to the library’s Naming Rights Policy.
For the Naming Rights application, please click HERE.
The Giving Bookshelf Wall
The Giving Bookshelf Wall is a way of honoring or memorializing individuals and friends by placing a plaque on the beautifully painted lobby mural. Different colored plaques are given based on the amount of donation. Please request an application at the Reference Desk.
Gifts in Kind
Gifts of furniture, paintings, statuary and other articles may be accepted by the library director, at his or her discretion. Any conditions attached to the proposed gift, including—but not necessarily limited to—the type of recognition provided and the location, disposition, handling or display of the article, deemed to be inappropriate or impractical may provide a basis for rejection of the gift. Upon receipt, the item becomes the sole property of the East Lake Community Library.
Program Sponsorship Opportunity
East Lake Community Library prides itself on offering programs for all ages and interests. The library director and board welcome sponsorship of programs from individuals and groups that will allow a greater variety of performers and presentations. A statement of the sponsor’s name (and logo, if necessary) will appear on the library’s promotional materials for the sponsored programs and an announcement will be made at the beginning of the program.
Program Sponsorship Opportunities:
$400: Individual programs (youth, teen, or adult)
$3,000: Summer Reading Program
$1,000: Individual Sunday Concert
$5,000: Sunday Concert series
$3,000: Author Visit (includes airfare, overnight accommodations)
A Shelf for Myself!
The new Children’s Room and Teen Room are both part of the Phase I Expansion of East Lake Community Library. However, bricks and mortar alone don’t make a library. We are launching a fundraising campaign to help transform these two areas into magical places for our children and teens.
Imagine dedicating a shelf in celebration of a child's birthday, in honor of a special anniversary, or in memory of a loved one while supporting our library. Cost is $100 per shelf! Go HERE to get started! We look forward to seeing your imagination take flight as we grow our library one shelf at a time!
Monetary Gifts
Monetary gifts given for use at the library’s discretion (“unrestricted gifts”) may be accepted by the Library Director.
Monetary gifts (other than those associated with naming rights and sponsorships) of $100 or more will be recognized on the Library’s Donor Recognition Wall.
Monetary gifts received from a will or bequest may be accepted by the director to be used as directed by the donor, subject to library policies. If received without restrictions, the funds may be used as approved by the board. The library director and advisory board will consider whether separate bank accounts and budget lines will be created to monitor the funds or if the donation will be given to the library’s foundation for future large capital projects.
Donor Wall
Commemorative book(s) receive a bookplate listing the donor and the honoree and an acknowledgement letter will be sent to the person(s) or family of the person being honored. All monetary gifts are recognized with an acknowledgement letter.