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Digital Resources and Technology

Computer Usage and Internet Policy

Library computers are provided to customers for the purpose of accessing information and reference resources.  “Public Computer Usage” shall include using library computers for any purpose, including without limitation, word processing, electronic mail, and accessing the Internet. In order to make these resources available to as many customers as possible and to make sure that the equipment is used in a manner consistent with the Library Code of Conduct, the following rules apply:

  • In order to allow all customers an opportunity to use the equipment, customers may be asked to comply with a sign-in procedure and time limitations.

  • Because computers are located in a public area, what you view is not private. Please be considerate of other library users and refrain from displaying materials that might reasonably be considered objectionable.

  • In accordance with Florida Statutes, Chapters 847.011(1)a and 847.0133(1), displaying obscene materials to minors or printing such materials may be a violation of the law and could result in penalties up to and including imprisonment.

  • Misuse of library computers will result in the loss of computer privileges, potential loss of library privileges and possible prosecution. Such misuse includes, but is not limited to: damaging or altering computer equipment or software; downloading or installing any program on the hard drive of any computer; sending, displaying or printing inappropriate material.

  • Persons using the computers may not leave children under the age of ten unsupervised in any part of the library building. 

  • Staff members are unable to recover data once a computer session ends. To save a document or data, the patron must copy it to his/her personal media or online data storage during the computer session. Flash drives are also available for purchase ($5.00 each) at the front desk. The Library is not responsible for time or data lost due to computer failure or failure to save data during a computer session.

Patrons may not use library computers for any activity that is patently offensive, intrusive, disruptive, harassing, or creates an intimidating or hostile environment to staff and/or to other patrons.

  • The Library is not responsible for any loss or liability that may occur as a result of the disclosure of financial or other personal information over the Library’s public computer services, including Internet and electronic mail use. Users should be aware that use of public computers is not a private or secure medium, and that third parties may be able to obtain information regarding user’s activities.

  • Patrons may not utilize the Library’s computers in violation of any local, state, or federal ordinances, regulations, or laws, including copyright laws. Users are prohibited from disclosing confidential information, harming networks on the Internet or other user accounts, invasions of privacy, engaging in spamming, unsolicited advertising, network reconnaissance, or denial of service attacks. Users engaged in illegal activities involving library computers may be subject to prosecution. 


  • Users may be liable for alterations or damage they cause to library hardware or software, including knowingly uploading or installing worms, viruses, or Trojan horses, or transmitting viruses that affect other users’ accounts or the Library’s systems. Patrons should report any computer problems to Library staff and must not attempt maintenance on Library computers, including unplugging, disconnecting, powering on, powering off, and/or detaching of PC hardware or components. 


  • Users must not make any attempt to access or modify passwords or data belonging to others, or seek unauthorized access to the Library’s or any other computer system. Users are prohibited from using remote administration tools or root kits, for purposes other than to access a user’s own personal computer. 


  • By using a library computer, the user agrees to conform to all regulations contained in this Policy. All users of library computers agree to indemnify and hold the Library harmless for any claims, losses, damages, obligations, or liabilities arising out of the use of the Library’s computers. The Library reserves the right to terminate a computer session and/or suspend library privileges of anyone who violates the Library’s computer use policies without notice.



Social Media Policy

The Library participates in various "social media" applications, whereby library staff and community members can interact through virtual (Internet) communication. These resources allow all members of the community access to the resources of the Library without mandating a visit to the physical library. The Library regards online social software applications in the same way as its other information resources in accordance with our mission.

This policy governs the publication of and commentary on official East Lake Community Library social media sites. For the purposes of this policy, social media means any facility for online publication and commentary, such as the library’s website, blogs, wikis, and social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube. This policy is in addition to and complements any existing or future policies regarding the use of technology, computers, e-mail and the Internet.

The Library’s use of social networking sites may include program promotion, volunteer opportunities, reference help, virtual programs, or other similar activities to further the Library’s mission. Top-level content on the official social networking sites will be posted by Library employees and authorized volunteers.

Comments, posts, and messages are welcome on the Library’s social networking sites. While the Library recognizes and respects differences in opinion, all such interactions will be regularly monitored and reviewed for content and relevancy. Postings which contain any of the following will be removed and the individual may be barred from posting any subsequent messages to the Library’s social networking sites:


  • Obscene or racist content

  • Personal attacks, insults, or threatening language

  • Potentially libelous statements

  • Plagiarized or copyrighted material

  • Private, personal information published without consent

  • Comments totally unrelated to the content of the forum

  • Hyperlinks to material that is not directly related to the discussion

  • Commercial promotions or spam

  • Organized political activity

  • Photos or other images that fall in any of the above categories



Virtual Programming Policy
In an effort to reach the greatest volume of patrons and to continue to provide library programming during times when physical space is not available, social distancing is mandated, or the facility is closed, the library will also offer virtual programs. These programs will utilize a library approved virtual meeting platform that registered patrons may use to access virtual programs from their own devices. Library virtual programs may be hosted by a staff member or an outside presenter. It will be the host’s responsibility to deal with any technological, logistical, or behavioral issues that may arise. While hosting the virtual program, the library will follow standard industry best practices for virtual events such as muting attendees, locking the event after the program has begun, etc.

All virtual programs will require patrons register in advance, and library staff will  e-mail registered patrons a link to log in prior to the day of the program. Those not registered before the start of a virtual program will not be allowed to attend. Patrons attending library virtual programs are expected to adhere to the East Lake Community Library’s Code of Conduct while in attendance, and failure to do so during a virtual program may result in their removal from future programs.  In accordance with Library policies, outside presenters are prohibited from the sale of products or services nor are they to have access to personal information of the attendees. Programs are not used for commercial, religious, or partisan purposes or the solicitation of business. External organizations or individuals partnering with the Library on programs must coordinate marketing efforts with the Library’s staff and secure staff approval before distributing any promotional materials. Library sponsorship of a program does not constitute an endorsement of the content of the program or the views expressed by participants or speakers.

While the East Lake Community Library will make its best good faith effort to utilize a virtual program platform that will be compatible with the widest array of hardware and operating systems, the Library makes no guarantees that every patron will be capable of accessing library programming virtually using their personal devices or Internet connections. Furthermore, the Library makes no guarantees of the quality of the audio or visual aspects of its virtual programs, nor of the stability of the Internet connection. All online activity comes with some degree of risk and agree the library is not liable for any emotional or financial damages that may result from attending a library virtual event.

Computer Usage and Internet Policy
Social Media Policy
Virtual Programming Policy
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